Live in a fun and exciting popular beach vacation destination! We are located next to a local favorite ice cream spot, Big Daddy’s, an affordable place to get a frozen treat after a shift at work. Just a short half mile walk will bring you to the beautiful beach and heart of downtown Ogunquit where you will find a local movie theatre, shops, restaurants, bars, and dance clubs. The Stage Run by the Sea is on the local trolley line. For $5.00 the trolley will bring you through downtown Ogunquit and Perkins Cove. Perkins Cove is walkable, about 1.5 miles away with many shops, restaurants, and bars to explore. The trolley also brings you to Marginal Way, one of New England’s most beloved scenic coastal walks. Downtown you will find everything you may need, there is a small grocery store called the Village Market. The Village market has all the core items you would find in a grocery store, but also offers inexpensive and absolutely delicious hot food items made to order. During free time you will never have trouble finding something to do, or a beautiful sight to take in. Information on local events will be provided throughout the summer.
Benefits: Free access to pool and Laundry services; Monthly employee BBQ and group trips to the Maine Mall/City .
Work & Travel USA este un program de schimb cultural al Departamentului de Stat al Statelor Unite ale Americii, prin care doar studenții au posibilitatea să muncească legal în America, pe perioada vacanței universitare de vară.
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Str. I.C. Brătianu 32/2
400079 Cluj-Napoca
L-V între 10.00 – 17.00
Str. Stanislav Cihoschi (lângă ASE) 7/1
010592 București
L-V 9.00 – 18.00
Bld. Carol I, clădirea Habitat B, Nr. 4/etaj 2,
700506 Iași
L-V 9.00 – 18.00
Str. Armatei, nr.3, etaj.2
410087 Oradea
L-V: 10.00 – 17.00
Complex Studențesc, str. Socrates nr. 2A
300551 Timișoara
L-V 10.00 – 17.00
Facultatea de Inginerie, Hol Parter, Sala IM 111, Asociația Solidus
str. Emil Cioran, nr.4
L: 15-17
M: 15-17
Mi: 13-16
J: 15-17
V: 15-17
Bd.1 Mai nr.4, Etaj 1, Birou 12, Cartier Areni, lângă Hugo Club, 720226, Suceava
L-V: 10.00 – 16.00
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