The Oceanic Inn is 35 unit Hotel on a beautiful 7 mile long beach in Maine’s most premier beach resort town. Our Hotel is best know for our great location in the heart of The Old Orchard Beach Resort town.
Summer in Maine and in Old Orchard Beach is amazing as the USA and the world frequently travel to our Hotel for the perfect weather and beach atmosphere. Many students will spend time doing beach activities including sunning, volleyball and swimming; Visiting amusement parks and Water parks with rides and entertainment; Go to a Rock band or music concerts. Use wilderness hiking trails and light house visits. Try Local food and cultural experiences. Also, being close by to the City of Portland Maine is a major attraction for sightseeing and shopping. Also, students have access to a private Lake camp outings which we will do as a group before the end of the summer.
As a group we will participate In typical Maine cultural picnics at a barbecue outing with Maine lobster and local foods and fresh fruit and vegetables. Other activities we may do are swimming and other water activities at the owner’s lakeside camp
Work & Travel USA este un program de schimb cultural al Departamentului de Stat al Statelor Unite ale Americii, prin care doar studenții au posibilitatea să muncească legal în America, pe perioada vacanței universitare de vară.
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Str. I.C. Brătianu 32/2
400079 Cluj-Napoca
L-V între 10.00 – 17.00
Str. Stanislav Cihoschi (lângă ASE) 7/1
010592 București
L-V 9.00 – 18.00
Bld. Carol I, clădirea Habitat B, Nr. 4/etaj 2,
700506 Iași
L-V 9.00 – 18.00
Str. Armatei, nr.3, etaj.2
410087 Oradea
L-V: 10.00 – 17.00
Complex Studențesc, str. Socrates nr. 2A
300551 Timișoara
L-V 10.00 – 17.00
Facultatea de Inginerie, Hol Parter, Sala IM 111, Asociația Solidus
str. Emil Cioran, nr.4
L: 15-17
M: 15-17
Mi: 13-16
J: 15-17
V: 15-17
Bd.1 Mai nr.4, Etaj 1, Birou 12, Cartier Areni, lângă Hugo Club, 720226, Suceava
L-V: 10.00 – 16.00
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