We are located on Chincoteague Island in Virginia. We are a Family Entertainment Center that is family owned and managed for over 30 years. We have a miniature golf course, bumper boats, go karts, rock wall, spider mountain, launch pad, arcade, snack bar, and other kiddie rides that we changer yearly. Our staff includes local youth and various J-1 students from different countries. Housing is on a property adjacent to Funland. There are 5 cottages that house J-1 students from various businesses on the island.
On your days off you are permitted to bring a guest to enjoy our attractions at Funland.
Chincoteague is known for our annual pony swim which is at the end of July. This events attracts tens of thousands of people to our wonderful island. You will get to meet and interact with customers from all over the country as Chincoteague is a desired vacation destination. There is an adjoining island called Assateague Island were there is a public beach that is owned by the Federal National Park. Chincoteague is also nearby NASA were you may witness Rockets being launched into space. The weather on Chincoteague during the summer months range from 75-95 degrees.
We are located only 1 hour from Ocean City Maryland and one and half hours to Virginia Beach. Washington DC is only 3 1/2 hours away and I arrange a day trip to take the students to DC. New York City is only 5 1/2 hours away. So we are close enough that you can take trips to a major city if you wanted to.
Work & Travel USA este un program de schimb cultural al Departamentului de Stat al Statelor Unite ale Americii, prin care doar studenții au posibilitatea să muncească legal în America, pe perioada vacanței universitare de vară.
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