Located in beautiful northern Michigan, our 1,200-acre campus is surrounded by nature and nestled between two lakes. Just a short drive from Traverse City, Interlochen is a hub of creative energy, where artists and arts enthusiasts find inspiration and connection. Interlochen Center for the Arts has an expansive campus which has more than 400 buildings, facilities, and venues that cover an array of artistic areas. As an Interlochen employee, every position has an impact. Employees from the Work & Travel program will enjoy living on campus and access to Stone Cafeteria where complimentary meals feature local, organic, vegetarian, and vegan options. Employees also have access to Interlochen’s 23,000-square-foot recreation and wellness facility. For the arts, employees have the opportunity to volunteer and receive free tickets to national touring acts such as Reba McEntire, Jake Owen, Chicago, Foreigner, and more. Employees also receive free tickets to student performances in all disciplines. Outside Interlochen’s beautiful campus is Traverse City.
Work & Travel USA este un program de schimb cultural al Departamentului de Stat al Statelor Unite ale Americii, prin care doar studenții au posibilitatea să muncească legal în America, pe perioada vacanței universitare de vară.
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Str. I.C. Brătianu 32/2
400079 Cluj-Napoca
L-V între 10.00 – 17.00 cluj@studenttravel.ro
Str. Stanislav Cihoschi (lângă ASE) 7/1
010592 București
L-V 9.00 – 18.00 bucuresti@studenttravel.ro
Bld. Carol I, clădirea Habitat B, Nr. 4/etaj 2,
700506 Iași
L-V 9.00 – 18.00 iasi@studenttravel.ro
Str. Armatei, nr.3, etaj.2
410087 Oradea
L-V: 10.00 – 17.00 oradea@studenttravel.ro
Complex Studențesc, str. Socrates nr. 2A
300551 Timișoara
L-V 10.00 – 17.00 timisoara@studenttravel.ro
Facultatea de Inginerie, Hol Parter, Sala IM 111, Asociația Solidus
str. Emil Cioran, nr.4
L: 15-17
M: 15-17
Mi: 13-16
J: 15-17
V: 15-17
Bd.1 Mai nr.4, Etaj 1, Birou 12, Cartier Areni, lângă Hugo Club, 720226, Suceava
L-V: 10.00 – 16.00
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